michi's cakery


Greek new years cake

Vasilopita cake

Vasilopita is a greek new years cake with a coin to be found inside. The coin is showing which person will have the luck this year.


  • Flour | 500 g
  • Baking powder | 3 tsp
  • Eggs | 5
  • Salt | pinch
  • Sugar | 400 g
  • Butter | 250 g
  • Cinnamon | 3/4 tsp
  • Clover powder | 1/2 tsp
  • Vanilla | 2
  • Orange Zest | 1 orange
  • Orange juice | 120 g
  • Crashed walnuts | 200 g
  • Milk | 120 g
  • Thin sugar | topping
  • One coin in aluminum


  1. Preheat oven 160°C on air
  2. Butter the form and cover it with flour - the form should be at least 6cm tall
  3. Mix butter and sugar until creamy
  4. Add cinnamon, clover, vanilla and orange zest and mix
  5. Throw egg yellows one by one and mix in between
  6. In another bowl put egg whites and salt mix till stable and foamy
  7. Over the first bowl add backing soda in a glass of orange juice
  8. After jucie stopped foaming pour the rest in the mixture and mix
  9. Alternate flour and milk into the same bowl and mix. You should end with mixing flour into the bowl
  10. Add the nuts and mix
  11. Add the egg white foam slowly and carefully fold
  12. Put the mix in a form, add the coin in one “slice” of cake
  13. Bake roughly 55m till dough doesn’t stick on a stick
  14. Add the thin sugar on top till you cannot see the cake anymore

“Before you put the cake in the oven don’t forget to put the coin wrapped in aluminium in the cake”

"If you have made a vasilopita I would be happy if you send me a picture and tell me how you think the making of it was!"