michi's cakery

About michis cakery

The cake site for delicious cakes. You can find delicious recipes and if you are bored to bake you can also order (coming soon)

Who am I

I am a programmer by day and a baker by night. I develop android applications which are very fun to me, but I love to see peoples smile when they eat a nice good cake! In my office, I sometimes bring the cakes that I have made and it’s very fulfilling to hear and see that people enjoyed the cake. It sometimes also happens that you can see the mood lifting when people have a stressful week and get some good cake and suddenly are happier.

Cakes make people happy - there are many types of cake and possible to make for almost everyone!

About cakery

Since I really enjoy baking but didn’t want to try baking cakes that I have never done before for a birthday I mostly stuck to the recipes I knew. Michis cakery I use to try out more different types of cakes, different ways and the possibility to change them. Some of my friends e.g. vegan and I like to serve them good cake whenever they come to visit, therefore I also like to explore the possibilities of making cakes in a way that many people can eat it without losing the original flavor. Furthermore, I like exploring different types of desserts from different countries! if you have any suggestions for me what I should try to write to me on Instagram!

Future of the cakery

I would really like to be able to offer people to ask for any cake they would like me to make and bring it to them! So whenever you have a cake request let me know! I would be very happy :)