michi's cakery




Sachertorte comes from my home town Vienna. Many people like it a lot and it’s a really nice chocolate cake with a bit of apricot jam I personally dont know the original recipe but I have the recipe that my grandmother gave to me and I really love her recipe a lot!


(for the cake)

  • Eggs | 9
  • Butter | 220 g
  • Sugar | 220 g
  • Chocolate | 250 g
  • Flour | 220 g
  • Vanilla Sugar | 1 pkg
  • Backing powder | 1/2 pkg
  • Apricot jam | to fill the cake\


  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and mix with the molten chocolate with the butter
  2. Mix butter and chocolate until creamy
  3. Add sugar and egg yolk to the mixture
  4. Add vanilla sugar, baking powder and flower
  5. In another bowl add the eggwhite and mix till stiff
  6. Gently mix the egg white into the mixture
  7. Bake the cake at 200°C for roughly 30 minutes
  8. After letting the cake cool cut it in half and add the jam evenly

“A sachertorte cannot be without glace”

Sachertorte glace

This cake will taste also without cake really good but with will be better The glace of the chocolate cake is also a really easy to make


(for the glace)

  • Chocolate | 200 g
  • Crystal sugar | 200 g
  • Water | 1/2 l


  1. Bring sugar and water to boil, till threads are visible
  2. Melt the chocolate and it it slowly into the sugarwater
  3. Pour the glace over the cake
"If you have made a sachertorte I would be happy if you send me a picture and tell me how you think the making of it was!"